Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hailey Grace new teenage star

It seems to be that everyone at my sister's highschool is talking about a new teenage celebrity, Hailey Grace. No one (especially me) knew who she was about a week ago, and many people still don't. So, let me tell you. Hailey Grace is a teenage model and actress that just a few days ago sprang out of obscurity when she started getting  recognition for all of her work in the modeling and acting fields. Also, there are multitudes of rumors being spread about her- non of which she has confirmed... or denied.... huh... anyways, she is a sweet girl and VERY pretty. she also has said in interviews how BAD she is with technology... which she very clearly demonstrated when she successfully deleted all of her twitter followers before enabling a feature that makes in impossible to gain any followers. Good job Hailey. However, she stated today that her twitter is back up and running. SO anyone who so desires to help this rising star, Hailey Grace- please follow her on her official twitter: @RealHaileyGrace


Hailey Grace- Teen Model and Actress